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来源:星海中学校网 作者:中考网编辑 2014-01-08 10:38:39
There is roughly a dozen classes every week but after-class-study occupied most of my study time. English had the most homework. Once, our instructor asked us to write an essay standing on the position of a ten-paper-essay’s writer against a forty four-paper-essay’s writer in five days. I was exhausted finishing that paper but that helped me to get ready for college level study.
I also joined some activities in order to enter the university society. I have planned sports time every week and I have met many people in the world-class gym of University of Washington where we have a sports culture. Football is the most famous sport in the US so I went to a football game and cheered for University of Washington. I was so excited watching the intensive game with 70 thousand passionate people. I also participated in the US college Weichi tournament. Although the team did not do well in the tournament, I felt happy.
除了学习以外,在美国的这三个月里,我也会有 意识地参加一些活动来更好地融入进这个大学里。我每周都会有固定的运动时间。华盛顿大学拥有全美顶尖的运动设施,许多华大的学生都会在课后到学校的运动馆锻炼身体,这已然成为了一种校园文化。在那里,我结识了不少美国朋友。橄榄球是大学里最风靡的运动,为了了解这一项在中国并不能经常接触到的运动,我到现场看了华盛顿大学橄榄球队的一场比赛。置身于7万名热情的观众中,我的激情也完全被这项运动点燃了。每周末我还会代表华盛顿大学参加全美大学生围棋比赛,虽然华盛顿大学在这个项目上并不突出,但我仍然乐在其中。
For the sake of living better, I suggest people to learn about the condition of local places and be prepared for some unique condition.
After living and studying three months in the University of Washington, I began to love this place and I am looking forward to my future life staying here with good hope.
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